
作者:CGTN  更新时间:2022-06-24 09:04:42  来源:CGTN  责任编辑:石头


  2020年新冠肺炎疫情爆发,因医院承载能力不足,纽约州曾强制要求养老院接收新冠病人。而由于医务人员和医疗资源的短缺,这些养老院无法实现将新冠患者与老人们的完全隔离。亚历克莎·里维拉(Alexa Rivera)的母亲安娜·马丁内斯(Ana Martinez)就因在养老院感染新冠去世。母亲的离世让里维拉悲痛不已,而在她看来,这一切与养老院的失职与政府的不作为有直接关系。像这样的悲剧,在美国还有很多。据美国疾控中心(CDC)统计,在美国有超过100万人因新冠去世。在这冰冷的数字中,有超过百分之十五的死者是养老院的老人。

  Citing "an urgent need to expand hospital capacity," New York State issued a blanket policy in 2020 that required nursing homes to admit COVID-19 patients. However, due to the shortage of medical staff and resources, nursing homes often fail to separate patients from elderly residents who remain highly vulnerable to the virus. Alexa Rivera lost her mother, Ana Martinez, to COVID-19 at a nursing home. Overwhelmed by grief, she blamed the government and the nursing home's negligence for her mother's passing. There're many stories like this in the U.S. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over one million Americans have died from COVID-19. Among those cold numbers, about 15 percent of them are seniors in nursing homes.